
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

ELT applied in education

In this subject we have learned how to teach English with technology.
We have seen  different terms such as CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning) (TELL) ICT/ELT and how they have been implemented in the classroom throughout the years.

The importance of  web 2.0
Web 2.0 is not only about people interacting through technology, but it is also about different technologies interacting and integrating with each other. The use of web 2.0 technologies is paramount in determining their positive effects on foreign language education (FLE)
Social platforms such as wiki-spaces and podcasting, provide an appropriate framework for more authentic and more real-life-like learning experiences than in the past. Digital Media have had a significant impact on the way foreign languages are being taught and learned.
Language has become such a fundamental part of education in the age of globalization that successful learning requires learners to be able to draw on a fully developed set of appropriate strategies and learning skills according to the type of linguistic challenge involved.
We have learned how to create:
·         Forms: A word document which has interactive elements in it. This  was focusing on Microsoft Word,
·         Hot Potatoes: An authoring tool. A small windows or Mac programme that creates a variety of exercises and can be freely downloaded for educational purposes.
·         a webquest: Mini projects in which a large percentage of the input and material is supplied from the Internet.
·         a blog : A social software usually kept by one person, who will regularly post comments, thoughts,  analysis, experiences of the daily life, interesting links, jokes or any other form of content, to a web page. They may consist of written text only, or may include pictures or photos –photo blogs-or even audio and video. Visitors can make comments.
·         a wiki:  A public website started by one person in which subsequent visitors can add to, delete or change as they wish. A wiki is dynamic and can have multiple authors.
·         How to find useful websites for teaching and how to evaluate them according to their accuracy, currency, content and functionality.


Thomas,M.(2009) Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Japan. Herley. New York.

Dudeney, G., & Hockly, N. (2007) .How to teach english with technology. Pearson Longman.